Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Nursery Progress - September

I have been so fortunate to have had such a smooth pregnancy so far.  I’m not saying there aren’t plenty of symptoms I’d prefer not to have but I dodged the morning sickness bullet and for the most part I have been feeling really good and excited about little nugget.  Even with a smooth pregnancy with my personality there is plenty to be anxious about – eating the right things, exercising but not doing anything too strenuous, gaining weight but not too much, etc.  One of the things that has not been stressful and has been a ton of a fun is planning and starting on the nursery.  The baby will not care which color we picked for the walls or how well we curated the gallery wall above their changing table but each step we take in putting the nursery together makes me feel more and more ready to meet our little one.  With each step I get closer to being able to picture what life will be like with little nugget.  Now I can look at the curtains he or she will see and I know where the glider is going to go that I’ll nurse them in and where I’ll sing them lullabies and read them stories before bed. 

Here is what we have done so far:

  • Painted the walls Silver Strand by Sherwin Williams
  • Replaced the 1989 dated and dusty brass and funky lights ceiling fan
  • Bought and Assembled the Dresser which we’ll also use as the changing station
  • Kyle’s dad built and installed cloud shelves for book storage – I’m obsessed with the charm and whimsy of these shelves
  • Started hanging up the gallery wall – still two items we need to buy to finish it
  • Installed the curtain rods and hung the curtains
  • Started the Install on the closet storage system – brackets in, next up we need to patch the holes from the previous closet system and put in the shelves, hanging brackets, baskets, etc.

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