Friday, January 7, 2022

What is saving my life right now?

I answered this question back in 2018 and life has changed a lot since then.  The original post can be found here:

In some of Jen Hatmaker’s podcast and she ends each one asking her guest the same 3 questions each episode.  One of those questions is what is saving your life right now.  So I was inspired to think and write about the things that are saving my life right now.

  • My husband – we make such a great team. We can talk really freely about the good things, tough stuff, and the mundane day to day items.  He is an amazing dad and I'm so thankful to have him to navigate life with.   
  • My Five-Minute Journal - I miss some writing in it some days but the days I fill it out it starts and ends my day in such a positive way.  
  • Vision Boarding - I started this practice at the end of 2020 for 2021 and it was so powerful, so I created a new one to reflect my goals and priorities for 2022.
  • Spotify - when I get in a funk or weird mood music can normally help me reset.  Sometimes I need to listen to sad moody music to help me process something or other times I need to crank up pop music and spend a few minutes getting up and moving around.
  • My Photography Business - I started my business in 2021 and having a creative outlet and something I am so passionate about has awakened parts of my soul that had been quiet for a long time.
  • Rapid Tension Machine - after so much time distancing and staying home which threw off my regular chiropractic and massage regimen it helps on the days my back pain is difficult to manage.
  • Water Intake & Sunshine - I am truly a houseplant with complicated emotions, I am so much happier and healthier when I get enough water and spend some time outside each day

Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022 Monthly Mindfulness Challenge

I have done a lot of reflecting this year and while I don't love new year's resolutions, I decided to take on a simple Monthly Mindfulness Challenge in 2022. I have decided on 12 priorities and goals that I want to be more mindful and focus more attention on. I also already feel like my plate is pretty full and I am tired a lot, so I wanted each challenge to represent no more than about 5 minutes per day.  I know I can commit to 5 minutes a day. I fully expect some monthly challenges will be more rewarding and fruitful than others, but I hope to use those observations to decide how I want to use and prioritize my limited free time going forward.  

I have invited some friend to join me in this endeavor and we will meet monthly to talk about how the month went, what worked, what obstacles we faced, the cheer each other on, and to help provide accountability to one another.

My plan for each month:

Monthly Challenge: Mindfulness aligning your daily actions to your priorities and things you care about one small step each day at a time

·         January: Simplify/Declutter - Remove 5-10 Items from our home each day in January

o   Ex. excess, outgrown/outdated, expired/trash

·         February: One Act of Kindness per day

o   Ex. Text, Facebook message, tag them in an inspirational post and share why, letter, send small gift, random act of kindness

·         March: Spend at least 5 minutes in the word and quiet time

o   Ex. daily verse and reflection, Bible app plan, draw the circle exercise, online study, etc.

·         April: Daily Affirmations Practice

o   Prepare by writing up a daily affirmation

o   Print or write it down and place it somewhere visible

o   Everyday no excuses speak it out loud to yourself

o   Store a copy on your phone in case you are away from home

o   Set an alarm on your phone, so you don’t miss a day

·         May: Read at least 5 minutes per day

o   Ex. Book, Blog, Article, Audiobook

·         June: At least 5 active minutes preferably outside

o   Ex. Prepare yard for spring, walk, strength exercises outside

·         July: Appreciate nature

o   Take a photo or touch and appreciate something outside each day

o   Reflect on how it looks, feels, smells, and makes you feel

·         August: Pick a topic of interest and learn one new thing or practice the skill each day

o   Ex. Google a question, check out a book or article about it, ask a friend who knows a lot about the topic, find a blog or podcast about it

o   I am going to finally begin learning guitar – learn or practice each day

·         September: Creativity for at least 5 minutes per day

o   Ex. doodle, chalk drawing, paint, color, write, photography, sew

o   I want to focus on practicing drawing sea creatures and plants so I will do a small drawing from a doodle book each day of the month

·         October: Reflect on memories

o   Find an older picture and share the story with your family each day

·         November: Create a gratitude jar and each write one item you are thankful for each day of the month and read them together as a family on Thanksgiving

·         December: Advent calendar and reading the story of Jesus and discussing verses as a family

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Reflections on 2021 - first year as a small business owner

This year I started my photography business.  It was a pretty successful first year but also full of a ton of lessons:

  • Constantly learning and growing in editing and posing and lighting
  • Invested in my education, my equipment, and my options for props/ client closet/ studio setups
  • Built my confidence and flexibility to adapt in challenging conditions
  • I learned how to put myself out there and trust in my ability to deliver amazing work. Goodbye imposter syndrome!
  • I didn't let my desire for perfection get in the way of my progress.
  • I reconnected my creativity and my artistic passion.
  • I realized how much years of IT consulting and focusing on client satisfaction and delivering above expectations is applicable in so many ways in my own small business.
  • I was inspired by and celebrated the amazing work from other photographers. And crazily enough found a few people to be in community who did the same for me.
  • More than once this year I felt like a fairy godmother. Sometimes you put on a girl in a fabulous dress and their whole posture and confidence level change. I've helped make many a fabulous twirl and unrestrained smile happen and I will never get tired of it.
  • I had a lot of goals this year and wasn't sure how attainable they were when I launched, and I worked so hard, and I crushed those goals.
  • My goal was 32 sessions and I completed 91 sessions!

Happy New Year!

This year was full of blessings and unimaginable heartbreak. The end of the year especially has been so difficult, but we are here, and we have so much support. I was inspired by a friend for my word of the year next year to be Cultivate. This year made it clear I cannot control the weather (what life throws at me). That said, I can prepare the soil, select what I plant, tend to my crop, and enjoy the harvest. And that has to be enough for now and that has to give me hope and purpose. I'm so thankful for my faith and pray daily for ease to all the sorrow and sadness and difficult circumstances so many people I love are walking through.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Hug your loved ones tight and count your blessings.